Expert Service


Weekly Inspections

Each week our licensed home inspector will walk through and around your property to make a comprehensive visual inspection of the following home systems:

  • All Appliances
  • Doors
  • Windows
  • Roof
  • Exterior Veneer
  • Alarm System
  • Sprinkler/Fire Prevention Systems
  • Plumbing
  • Electrical
  • Heating
  • Cooling
  • Outdoor
  • Patios
  • Decks

Concierge Services

Return to your home in Summit County without requiring any additional stops along the way. With our Concierge Services, homeowners enjoy access to elevated service including grocery shopping, house cleaning, window washing, snow removal and pre-arrival ready services including adjusting the thermostat and turning on lights for later evening arrivals.

Repair Services

During inspections things may arise that need attention or repair. In these instances, our home care team will provide a project estimate, and upon homeowner approval will coordinate the necessary repairs in a prompt and timely manner.

Security Checks

Your peace of mind is our top priority. Our professional team will visit your home on a weekly schedule to verify the security of the property in addition to our routine inspections. It’s important to have a local emergency contact, someone you know you can rely on anytime of day or night.